After your Surgery please avoid:
- Avoid spitting or rinsing of your mouth today
- Avoid smoking, vaping and alcohol for 3 days
- Avoid biting onto your lip, cheek and tongue when these are numb
- Avoid hot food or drinks until you have normal sensation to the mouth
Please do:
- Eat a soft diet for 3 days (soup, mashed potato, scrambled eggs, pasta, yogurt)
- Apply intermittent ice packs externally to the face (20 mins on and 20 mins off)
- Start rinsing your mouth the day after surgery using warm saltwater after meals
- Take analgesic medication (Panadol or Nurofen) as per the instructions on the box
- If you have a prescription for medication, please take these as prescribed
- Confirm all medication allergies as well as the appropriateness of medications for you
- Drink sufficient fluids following your procedure
- If you have nausea or vomiting, please take only small sips of water until this subsides
- Keep your head elevated with pillows when sleeping today
- Rest
What you can expect:
- A little bleeding from the surgical sites is normal – this can include some blood in saliva
- Sterile gauze can be folded up and bit onto if profuse bleeding occurs
- Swelling to the gums, cheeks and face can occur and can last for a few days
- Discoloration (blue/black/green/yellow) or bruising to the skin can occur
- Your surgeon will advise you if stitches placed need to be removed
- Please call this clinic or present to a hospital Emergency Department if concerned